The NOx Fund grants 296 MNOK in support of new projects


Green deal

The NOx Fund's board approved support for 19 measures in the board meeting in August. A record-high scope of commitments has been made in 2024, with significant CO2 and NOx emissions reductions.

August Board Meeting

The NOx Fund supported 19 projects in August, with a total new support of 296 million NOK. The investment support is distributed across a wide range of industries and technologies and includes:

  • Process optimisation and emissions cleaning in land-based industries
  • Emissions cleaning with SCR, partly combined with engine replacement/batteries in shipping and fishing
  • Energy optimisation in the petroleum sector

Total commitments made in 2024

The NOx Fund received 61 applications from January to August 2024, of which 45 have been granted support. The total commitments amount to over 1.3 billion NOK. The projects are estimated to reduce 2,500 tons of NOx and 53,000 tons of CO2 equivalents annually. 

Sector Projects NOx reduction (Ton) Tons of CO2 equivalents Grant (NOK)
Oil and Gas                    4                         681                       36 995  348 192 000 
Shipping                  18                      1 029                       11 974  536 088 000 
Fishery                  16                         476                          4 133  247 181 000 
Industry                    7                         263  No data   158 716 000 
 Total:                   45                      2 449                       53 102  1 290 177 000 

Tommy Johnsen, the NOx Fund's daily manager, commented on the numbers: "It is gratifying to see that the NOx Fund's support scheme continues to trigger environmentally improving measures. I find it particularly positive that the projects provide significant CO2 cuts and reduced NOx emissions. The measures we support must be in operation to receive the support, making these emission reductions relatively certain, impacting both companies' and Norway's emission accounts."


The link below provides a complete overview of what the NOx Fund has granted in terms of support for the entire Agreement period since 2018. The overview does not show confidential, withdrawn, or rejected applications.

Overview of support from the NOx Agreement 2018-2025