Information on the processing of personal data in The Business Sector's NOx Fund


Below, the NOx Fund informs about how we process personal data according to the Norwegian act on processing of personal data. Unless stated otherwise, the NOx Fund is the data controller.

You will find information about the groups of people we may process personal data about. Note that you may be covered by several groups. We may process personal information that is not covered by the information below, in which case we will inform about the processing in another way.

Any processing of personal data is based on the needs we experience in the running of our association. The basis for our operation is the purpose of the Fund that "The Association shall work to ensure that companies in Norway implement NOx-reducing measures quickly and cost-effectively and that the members contribute to this."

Controlling Responsibility

Data controller is the NOx Fund (org. No. 992 523 522)
Our office address is:
Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 5250 Majorstuen
N-0303 Oslo
You can also contact us by e-mail or phone +47 23 08 80 00.
Contact information about the data processors we have agreements with, can be found at the end of this document. In the section "Rights of data subjects", we inform about the rights of individuals whom we have any personal data about.

Groups of people we may have personal information about

Business contacts to the NOx Fund

We process personal information about contact persons in companies affiliated to the
NOx Fund, such as name, telephone number, e-mail, position, role, employer, and e-mail communication to:

  • Inform and communicate news and send invitations from the NOx Fund to the businesses
  • Manage business affiliation and invoice reported NOx emissions
  • Provide assistance to affiliated businesses
  • Documenting contacts between affiliated companies and the NOx Fund

By contact persons in affiliated companies we mean employees, hired consultants who operate on behalf of the company and other representatives.

The processing of information is based on our legitimate interest as part of the efforts to promote the purpose of the NOx Fund. We store and disclose information if we have a legal obligation to do so, for example under the Norwegian Bookkeeping Act and the Taxes Management Act.

The managing director of the affiliated company must provide us with contact information if the company wants to use the NOx Fund's services, but it is voluntary for other contact persons if they want to give us personal information. If we collect personal information from others, it will mainly apply to name, telephone number, e-mail, position, and employer. The source of such information could be an employer or an external consultant operating on behalf of the company.

We will delete the information if we become aware that the contact person ceases to be a contact person. If five years have passed without the company having used the NOx Fund's services, we will delete the contact person. However, we will retain the information for a longer period if we believe it may be needed, for example, to document our business or the contact we have had.

For persons registered in connection with application for grants for NOx reducing measures, fleet renewal, measurement, and service of SCR systems we refer to the Terms of Use in our application portal.

Newsletter subscribers

We process personal information such as names and emails of people who have signed up for our newsletters to inform and communicate about the NOx Fund's activities.

It is voluntary for contact persons to provide us with personal information. The personal information we process to manage newsletters is mainly names and emails. The source of such information will be the contact person himself.

We keep personal information until you choose to cancel your subscription. To do this, click on the link at the bottom of the email to unsubscribe.

People who apply to the NOx Fund

We process personal information such as name, e-mail, telephone, employer, and e-mail communication about those who contact us to answer and document the communication. This applies to all forms of communication, physical and digital, written, and oral.

The processing of information is based on our legitimate interest, which consists in having contact with the outside world in our operation as the NOx Fund, and in documenting the activities we perform.

It is voluntary to provide us with personal information. If we do not receive the information we need to respond to inquiries, we will not be able to answer the inquiries and we will delete the inquiry. We will not receive, or process sensitive information from, anyone without our legal basis.

We may store personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes mentioned above.

Contacts of existing businesses receiving support and potential beneficiaries

We process personal information such as name, email, telephone, role, and email communication about contacts of existing and potential beneficiaries to:

  • Manage our relationship with businesses that receive support or have applied for support
  • Inform about our services
  • Document applications and payment of support for NOx reducing measures

The processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interest in conducting the NOx Fund's activities. We also store and disclose information where we have a legal obligation to do so, for example under the Norwegian Bookkeeping Act and the Taxes Management Act. We may store information for as long as we believe it may be needed, for example, to document pay-out and decision conditions.

In many cases, it will be necessary that we obtain personal information to enter into agreements with the business. Businesses are free to choose who this contact person should be.

We may store information about the contact person for up to five years after the business ceases to be a recipient of support or until the contact ceases to be a contact person. After this, all personal information that we are not required to keep will be deleted.

Contacts in civil society

We process personal data such as names, emails, and positions of persons in academia, public administration, media, politics, other organizations, and society at large to inform, obtain and map views and assessments of questions and issues concerning the business sector.

  • The processing of the information is based on our legitimate interest in pursuing our objectives as the NOx Fund.

The contact persons can voluntarily provide their information to keep up to date on the activities of the NOx Fund. We may store the information until we become aware that we no longer have a purpose for having the information stored.

The processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interest, which consists in steering and leading the NOx Fund. We store and disclose information if we have a legal obligation to do so, for example, under the Norwegian Bookkeeping Act, the Taxes Management Act, or the A-Information Act if we pay reimbursement.

We can store case management documents (meeting notices, minutes, etc.) for an unlimited period.

Speakers and participants in courses, events, meetings etc.

We process personal information such as names, emails and communication logs of initiators, speakers, etc. and about registered participants at events, meetings etc. to:

  • Plan and provide information and facilitate courses, events, meetings, and the like.
  • To contact participants if needed and bill if there is a participation fee.
  • To evaluate courses, events, meetings, and the like.
  • Inform about future events, meetings, and the like.

The processing of information is based on our legitimate interest, which consists in organizing events, meetings, etc. We can provide lists of names of participants and the companies they represent to technical organizers and other third parties when needed.

We can store information about initiators, etc. and participants etc. for up to six months. Beyond that, we store and disclose information if we have a legal obligation to do so, for example under the Norwegian Bookkeeping Act, the Taxes Management Act.

People with access to our offices

NHO Eiendom AS owns Middelthuns gate 27 in Oslo (Næringslivets Hus). NHO Eiendom AS processes personal information about visitors and others with access to Næringslivets Hus to have an overview of who has access to the premises. NHO processes personal data to facilitate meetings, events, etc.

To gain access to Næringslivets Hus, it is a condition that your name is registered in NHO Eiendom's system and that you carry a name tag if you stay in the premises. You may be required to authenticate yourself to verify your name. NHO Eiendom AS and NHO have joint treatment responsibilities. Contact details for NHO as a data processor can be found at the end of this document.

To obtain an admission card to Næringslivets Hus, it is a condition that your name, contact details and employer are registered. When you use the card in card readers, it will be registered, and we can store card reader information for up to 30 days.

To access Wi-Fi, it is a condition that name, mobile number, and email address are registered. NHO Eiendom AS can store this information and usage information for up to seven days. NHO Eiendom AS is responsible for treatment.

The NHO building is monitored by cameras inside and outside. There are signs posted on the facade informing this. NHO Eiendom AS is data controller.

NHO Eiendom AS may store information about visitors to Næringslivets Hus for up to seven days after registration of the information. NHO Eiendom AS can store video recordings for up to seven days but can extend the storage if there is a specific need for it.

NHO Eiendom AS does not disclose information to others without your consent. In special cases, NHO Eiendom AS may provide information to others when security considerations make it necessary or there is suspicion of an offense or other breach.

Visitors to our website

We do not process personal information about people who visit our website where we do not require a login.

You can read here about our use of cookies (storing of data in the user's communications equipment or our access to data, see Ekomloven (act relating to electronic communication) Act § 2-7 b).

The information here does not apply to web pages that we link to from our website.


We provide personal information as described for the different groups of people. We also disclose personal information when we are legally obligated to do so.

We do not disclose personal information to recipients outside EEA countries.

We do not disclose contact information to third parties for marketing purposes.

The information we have about contact persons in affiliated companies may also be used by the NOx Fund's member organizations if the NOx Fund has a legitimate interest in this. We have joint data processing responsibility with them for this information.

We use data processors as described for the different categories of people. Contact information for data processors can be found at the end of this document.

We have joint data processing responsibility with co-organizers when we hold courses, events, meetings, along with others.

People covered by legal services

If necessary, the NOx Fund may use lawyers employed by NHO to practice law, including documenting the operation.

The processing of information is based on our legitimate interest in providing legal services. The processing of sensitive personal data will in most cases be based on the fact that the processing is necessary in order to establish, apply or defend legal requirements, cf. GDPR Article 9 paragraph 2 letter f.

It is voluntary to provide us with personal information. In our processing we also receive personal information from our client, usually a business. We may also receive information about persons from other parties in the case, witnesses, etc. These sources are not publicly available. We may receive sensitive personal information.

We may store personal information if we believe we may need it, for example in connection with complaints or objections, or another possible follow-up.

The Act on the Processing of Personal Data and the Privacy Regulation does not apply to cases that are processed or decided in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure (the Law of Criminal Procedure, the Criminal Procedure Act, the Dispute Act and the Enforcement Act, etc.).


No automatic decisions are made based on personal data.


The persons with whom we have personal data are entitled to receive confirmation from us. They also have the right to request access to this information. If we have incorrect personal information, the data subject may request that they will be corrected.

In some cases, data subjects may require us to delete information about them. Such rights have the registered person, among other things, when the treatment is based on consent which the registered person withdraws. In some cases, data subjects may request that we limit or discontinue the processing of personal information about them.

The data subjects may have the right to have personal data provided to them to the extent that our processing is based on consent.

If you want to know more about your rights as a registered person, we recommend that you read the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's website. You can complain to the Data Protection Authority if you are dissatisfied with our processing of personal data.

Our ability to store personal data does not constitute a storage obligation to data subjects, other than as provided by legislation.

Data processors

Responsible for information about visitors in the NHO building

NHO Eiendom AS - Org. no.: 989 524 046 Visiting address: Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo.
Postal address: PO Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo
Contact: or phone: +47 23 08 80 00

The NOx Fund and NHO Eiendom AS' data processor for information on persons who have access to the NHO building

Compass Group Norge AS - 952 507 729 Address: PO Box 74, 1371 Asker
Contact: or phone: +47 66 77 62 80

NHO's IT Department - 955 600 436
Visiting address: Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo. Postal address: PO Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo
Contact: phone: +47 23 08 80 00

Our data processor for newsletter recipient information

NHO's marketing department - 955 60 0436 Visiting address: Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo. Postal address: PO Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo
Contact: or phone: +47 23 08 80 00

Our data processors on connection, reporting of NOx emissions and urea support

CGI Norge AS - 919 562 390 Visiting address: Tordenskioldsgate 8-10, 0160 Oslo.
Contact: phone: +47 22 57 70 00 (Acando AS provides system support)

Our data processor for application processing and payment of support for measures

DNV - Org. no.: 945 748 931 Visiting address: Veritasveien 1, 1363 Høvik.
Postal address: PO Box 300, 1322 Høvik.
Contact: phone: +47 67 57 99 00

Waken AS - 915 098 436 Visiting address: Spaces, Kristian Augusts gate 13, 0164 Oslo Contact: (Waken AS provides system support)

NHO's IT department - 955 600 436 Visiting address: Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo.
Postal address: PO Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo
Contact: or phone: +47 23 08 80 00 (Operator platform)


We will continue to work on developing our principles and practices for the processing of personal data, including the deletion of personal data. In the event of changes, we will change the information above accordingly.

The information above is dated 15.03.2022