9/3/2024 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, Støtteordninger / Fundings The NOx Fund has granted 25 million NOK to support Hagland Shipping's new bulk carrier project In January, the NOx Fund granted Hagland Shipping 25 million NOK to build four new self- unloading bulk carriers. These ships, to be constructed at Royal Bodewes in the Netherlands, will significantly reduce emissions and mark an important milestone in fleet renewal.
9/3/2024 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, Støtteordninger / Fundings The NOx Fund supports Berge Rederi's groundbreaking zero-emissions project with 150 million NOK The NOx Fund has granted up to 150 million NOK to Berge Rederi for an ambitious zero-emissions project set to revolutionize the transport of marble from Brønnøy to Omya Hustadmarmor's production facility in Elnesvågen.
4/24/2024 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, NOx-utslipp / NOx emissions The business organizations have complied with the emission commitments for the years 2022 and 2023 The fulfilment of the commitments to reduce NOx emissions has now been confirmed.
10/20/2023 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, Skipsfart / Shipping Havila Kystruten is taking significant steps towards environmentally friendly shipping with LNG and batteries The Havila ships sailing along the Norwegian coast reduce NOx emissions by approximately 90%. The shipping company estimates CO2 reductions to be around 35% with the current solution, but the technology allows for further improvements.
12/12/2022 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, Støtteordninger / Fundings The NOx Fund commit to support NOK 188 million in new projects The NOx Fund has approved support for 10 new NOx-reducing measures in the last application round in 2022. Altogether, the projects provide an estimated NOx reduction of 730 tonnes and a support amount of approx. NOK 188 million.
12/12/2022 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions Noble reduces NOx emissions by 600 tonnes annually There is a great potential for reducing significant amounts of CO2 and NOx emissions on rigs. The NOx Fund has visited the jack-up rig Noble Invincible to look at NOx-reducing measures that have been implemented and supported by the NOx Fund.
10/11/2022 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, Støtteordninger / Fundings The NOx Fund increases the urea support The NOx Fund increases the urea support to a maximum of NOK 15 per kg of urea solution.
6/20/2022 | NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions, Olje og gass / Oil and Gas Energy efficiency measures on Transocean rigs There is a potential to reduce substantial amounts of CO2 and NOx emissions through improved energy efficiency on drilling rigs. Transocean has implemented energy efficiency measures on its rigs in Norway’s taxable waters with support from the NOx Fund.
NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions Reports and presentations Here you will find current reports and presentations published in English after support from the NOx Fund.
NOx-reduksjoner / NOx reductions Technologies and suppliers The NOx Fund have made an introductory overview over different NOx-reducing technologies.